1:10 electric Bashing truck
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Type: chassis 1:10 off-road |
1:10 electric Crawler truck Spec version with limited set-up options
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Type: chassis 1:10 off-road |
Intercept ER10 1:10 scale electric on-road Club chassis, 17.5T club-motor version, restricted set-up
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Type: chassis 1:10 on-road |
Intercept ER10 RS LiPo 7.4V 1:10 scale electric on-road chassis, full race spec version (20T-38T pullies), fully adjustable.
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Type: chassis 1:10 on-road |
Intercept ER10 LiPo 7.4V 1:10 scale electric on-road chassis, limited set-up options
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Type: chassis 1:10 on-road |
Intercept ER10 RS LiPo 7.4V 1:10 scale electric on-road chassis, full race spec version (20T-38T pullies)
Softer anti-roll bars.
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Type: chassis 1:10 on-road |
Intercept ER10 1:10 scale electric on-road spec chassis, spec-motor version, restricted set-up
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Type: chassis 1:10 on-road |
The Intercept EX8-R is the electric version of the successful NX-8R chassis
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Type: chassis 1:8 off-road |
The Intercept EX8- Rally X chassis is the electric version of the successful NX-8R chassis
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Type: chassis 1:8 all-road |
The Intercept EX8-R SPEC chassis is the reselectric version of the successful NX-8R chassis, with limited set-up
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Type: chassis 1:8 all-road |
The Intercept EX8-RS is the same chassis as the EX8R chassis but uses the setup of multiple VRC World Champion Martin Wollanka as a basic setup.
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Type: chassis 1:8 off-road |
The Intercept EX8-S is the electric version of the successful NX-8R chassis, Spec, non-adjustable chassis
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Type: chassis 1:8 off-road |
INTERCEPT 1:8 scale nitro on-road GT3 RS chassis 4-WD, full race version
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Type: chassis 1:8 on-road |
INTERCEPT 1:8 scale nitro on-road GT3 Spec chassis 4-WD, restricted setup version
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Type: chassis 1:8 on-road |
Intercept NR10 1:10 scale nitro on-road chassis 4-WD, basic setup options
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Type: chassis 1:10 on-road |
Pages: 12345 (Total components: 65)