
Distance raced on this track: 00000 km

Heemstede 2     PopularityPopularityPopularityPopularityPopularity

This is the special 2012 IFMAR Worlds edition of the famous Heemstede track. A (removable) chicane has been added to make the track more interesting for 1:10 electric ISTC cars and to slow down the top speed. At one of the last international races back in 2010 these cars were doing 118 km/h at this track!

View R2tW winner Kevin Pignotti attack the Heemstede 2012 WC chicane in his fluent and fast style!
1   2   3   4   5

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1:8 Nitro on-road sportscarsn/a
1:10 Nitro on-roadn/a
1:10 Electric on-roadn/a
1:10 Electric on-road Specn/a
1:8 Nitro sportscar Specn/a
1:10 Nitro on-road Specn/a
1:12 Electric on-road Specn/a
1:12 Electric on-roadn/a
1:10 Electric NASCAR Truckn/a
1:8 Nitro NASCAR Truckn/a
1:8 Nitro NASCAR Truck Specn/a
1:10 Nitro NASCAR Truckn/a
1:10 Nitro NASCARTruck Specn/a
1:10 Electric NASCAR Truck Specn/a
1:10 Electric Driftern/a
1:8 Nitro GT3n/a
1:8 Nitro GT3 Specn/a
1:10 Electric on-road 17.5T Clubn/a
1:10 Short Course 4WDn/a
1:8 Nitro buggyn/a
1:8 Nitro buggy Specn/a
1:10 Short Course 4WD 13.5Tn/a
1:8 Electric buggyn/a
1:8 Electric buggy Specn/a
1:10 Electric Stadium Truckn/a
1:10 Electric Stadium Truck Specn/a
1:10 Electric Crawlern/a
1:8 Rally Xn/a
1:8 Rally X Specn/a
00 00 00
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1. You must have a valid subscription for VRC Pro and may only use official software and servers.
2. You must be at least 10 years or older to participate in the Race2theWorlds event .
3. Minors under 16 years of age require permission of a parent or guardian to compete in this contest.
4. Only if you are 14 years or older on January 1st 2012but you can qualify for the 2012 IFMAR World Championship seat.
5. A parent or guardian must accompany you in case you are under 16 year on January 1st 2012. (The parent or guardian will travel on his own cost, hotel costs will be paid by the R2TW organization).
6. To qualify for a seat at the 2012 IFMAR Worlds you may not have raced in an official IFMAR World Championship electrics on-road class before after 2002, this up to the discretion of IFMAR and the respective block.

7. Costs that will be paid by the R2TW organization include only:
a. Traveling by car against €0.15 per km and toll cost against tickets
b. Traveling by train against train ticket cost
c. Traveling by airplane from the nearest international airport to Amsterdam airport and back, ticket will be arranged and purchased by the R2TW organization, local transportation is not included
d. Hotel costs for 6 nights at the official WC hotel Haarlem Zuid, arriving Monday 23rd and leaving Sunday 29th of July 2011
e. Breakfast in the hotel
f. Lunch, drinks trackside and dinner €40 per day
g. Inscription fees for the Worlds
h. Ticket for the prize ceremony banquet on Saturday evening (max. 2)
i. Transport to and from the hotel to the track
j. Radio and car equipment , spare parts and tires
k. R2TW team wear and apparel
8. Specifically not included in this arrangement are:
a. Cost to apply for a visa to enter the Netherlands (if needed)
b. Cost for entertainment
c. Traveling cost inside the Netherlands
d. Insurance (except for air ticket reservation)

9. Qualifying starts on February 25th at 0:00 GMT and ends June 16th at 23:00 GMT.
10. A contestant can do a maximum of 999 tries (runs) up until the very last moment.
11. There will be regular interruptions for scheduled maintenance and service of our systems. During these periods you will not be able to start a new run.
12. Your best result of all your tries will count for the Qualification order. The best 200 contestants will proceed to the next round: 1/8 Final.
13. The 1/2 Final will start on June 17th at 0:00 GMT and will last till June 19th 23:00 GMT. You have 20 tries (runs). The best 100 contestants will proceed to the Main Final.
14. The Main Final will start on June 20th at 0:00 GMT and will last till June 22nd 23:00 GMT. You have 10 tries (runs).

15. The winner of the 2012 Race2theWorlds ranking qualify for a seat at the 2012 IFMAR World Championship 1:10 ISTC in the Netherlands. If the winner is not eligible or unable to participate (see 1…6) the next contestant in the final R2TW will take the seat.
16. Ultimately Tuesday 26th 24:00 GMT the top-6 of the final R2TW ranking must provide information about their eligibility to participate in the 2012 IFMAR World Championship in the Netherlands (see also 1…6). TheR2TW organization will issue a form which must be filled out and additional information must be provided, including:
a. Full name, address, email and telephone information of contestant and in case the contestant is under 16 years of age on January 1st 2012, also this information of the parent or guardian who will accompany the contestant
b. a copy of the passport or identity card showing that he or she has the minimum age of 14 on January 1st 2012
c. an email confirmation of the affiliated IFMAR R/C organization stating that contestant has not participated in an official IFMAR World championship 1:10 ISTC before since 2002
d. for contestants under 16 years of age on January 1st 2012 a declaration that a parent or guardian is available and willing to accompany the contestant to the Netherlands
e. a declaration of contestant, or in case of under 16, a parent or guardian that contestant will participate in the 2012 IFMAR Worlds in the Netherlands
17. R2TW contestant who will compete in the 2012 IFMAR Worlds:
a. acknowledge and accept that the R2TW organization, including its partners and sponsors, can have full use of all pictures, interviews and video taken of contestant during and after the R2TW and the 2012 IFMAR Worlds event, for commercial purposes within the context of these competitions
b. will make him or herselve available upon request of the R2TW organization for interviews, press and signature sessions.
c. must always avoid actions that may harm the interest of Virtual Racing Industries, VRC Pro, the R2TW project and its partners and sponsors in any way.
d. must follow instructions of the R2TW staff concerning organized travel.
e. must follow the official rules of the 2012 IFMAR World Championship, the rules will be published on the official 2012 IFMAR Worlds website
f. must wear the R2TW team wear and sponsor as provided by the R2TW organization.
g. must participate in the Race2theWorlds Virtual Worlds 2012 which will be held on Saturday evening July 28 during the official prize ceremony.


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(Total posts: 7)
13.04.2012 [15:14]
05.04.2012 [14:14]

Today we have launched, the promotional website for this contest. This website is specially aimed at gamers whoi we try to interest for r/c racing through this virtual competition: GAMER vs RACER

We have modified the R2tW Competition and Participation rules. Much to our regret we have reduced the number of racers who can qualify for the Worlds from 3 to 1. We were counting on support from the industry and this has not materialized. From a cost and support perspective we had no other choice than to take this step. We count on your understanding.

We have also changed the Semi final from 2 semi's with 10 racers to 3 semi's with 6 racers each to avoid possible bandwidth and latency issues. We have also reduced the number of racers in the Main Final to 6 for the same reason.

02.04.2012 [01:44]
how do i join????
06.03.2012 [15:05]
Points first.. Then if there is tie in points, laps and runtime is used as tie breaker
05.03.2012 [08:02]
Yes, the winner can use his own radio
02.03.2012 [15:49]
Curious - would the winners have to use the provided equipment? Are they provided by sponsors? I ask because I am very comfortable with my radio, and I use my radio with VRC....if I was required to use a different radio for the real-world event, it would take a while to get used to the equipment.
01.03.2012 [13:09]
Semi-finals, point25 "3 races of 5 minutes of which the best individual result count for the overall semi final ranking" - this means that the fastest runtime counts or point ranking? E.g.: 1st final: Driver A wins 22 in 5.01, Driver B 2nd 22 in 5.03, Driver C 3rd 22 in 5.04; 2nd final: A in 3rd place with 22 in 5.07, B wins with 22 in 5.02 and C gets 2nd with 22 in 5.04 again; 3rd final: A wins with 23 in 5.11, B gets 3rd with 22 in 5.00 and C gets 2nd with 23 in 5.12, now difference:
point ranking: A has won 2 finals and his last final was fastest of all, he´s obviously the winner. B has won 2nd final, with point ranking he would be in front of C. Because B won a final, C got only 2 2nd places.
Time ranking: A in front of C, B is last of this 3 drivers. Because the last run of C (23 laps 5.12, 2nd place) was faster than the run B won (22 5.00, 1st place).

In my opinion it´s not clear, if it will be point or time ranking. What´s the "best" run? The fastest time or the run someone won?

EDIT: For main final it´s the same... a Driver X can win the first 2 finals, but with these two results in laps and runtime added, his time can still be slower than time of a driver Y, who got 2 2nd places, one time 0.1 sec behind X in 1st final and then in last final behind Driver Z, but with better runtime than X in the 2nd final he won.
Clearify, if point ranking or laps and runtime ranking.

Edited by author: 1.3.2012 13:13:29 GMT

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08.05.2012   0 comments


Virtual Racing Industries is proud to announce the full backing of the Race 2 the Worlds contest win... read more




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