So it has come up that stock is not the favorite class to run so i'm opening up a discussion on what classes we should run and then in November i will reset points and make up a series for the rest of the winter. Topics or suggestions how many tries? it can also be open for 3 weeks and then mains last week. car classes, length of qualifiers, track suggestions, etc. lets see what works best for everyone.
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(Total posts: 2)
Patrick E
Qualifiers and mains separate would be great. Maybe 6 tries on qualifiers and 3 tries on mains? Like Colin said, lengths should be the same as regular club races at the track.
A VRC RCRE OCD Winter event would be pretty cool as long as it does not collide with the Worlds. Maybe have it late winter/ early spring when we start getting exited for the new season?
Colin H
I personally hate the spec Nitro buggies. The modified have a much better snap out of the corners with them. And I like that they steer better lol.
What if we did it the same way as a club race? 7 min qualies and 15 minute mains for nitro and then 10 minutes for electric?
Then an OCD style event somewhere along the lines aswell perhaps?