Welcome to the club RC Super Speedway

club RC Super Speedwayへようこそ!
RC Super Speedwayを中心に楽しいレースを開催します。

Welcome to club RC Super Speedway.
I cannot speak English well, but let's enjoy VRC Pro.
Let's enjoy the race.

manabu oshima

Club details

Club name: club RC Super Speedway
Created: 06.09.2011
Manager: Manabu Oshima
Country: JP Japan
Home track: VRC Super Speedway Oval Course
Members: 52

Club forum > Event talk: RCSS OC 1:8 GP spec

(Total posts: 3) Topic rating: Only active members can post new items
31.12.2011 [15:58] new
Welcome Jose , very nice time!
31.12.2011 [16:09] new
Manabu Thanks, you're a teacher in the Oval.
While trying to save fuel driving, I find it very difficult to complete the test.
31.12.2011 [16:25] new
Thanks Jose.
I think you're very fast.
You can do it immediately.