Welcome to the Dutch Offroad Racers

Club details

Club name: Dutch Offroad Racers
Created: 21.06.2014
Manager: Tim Bervoets
Country: NL Netherlands
Home track: Rhein-Main
Members: 1

Tips & knowledge item

Invite a friend & race together added: 02.09.2011

Category: Recommendation     Views: 3772     Rating:    

Do you like VRC Pro? Wait until you're racing together with your friends, local racers, or with people you use to race with in the past. It will be even more fun.


They will get 10 vEuros if they refer to your email address while registering for a full VRC Pro subscription and you'll get 7.50 + 1 week vEuros for it.

Edited by author: 22.12.2011 8:35:20 GMT


Only active members can post comments
(Total posts: 9)
12.09.2011 [21:28]
Posted by: Tim Bervoets (NL) on 12.9.2011 19:23:14 (UTC) Technically it wasn't so easy to remove the limit, so we've now set it to 200 vEuros per month

i agree :-)

Posted by: Tim Bervoets (NL) on 12.9.2011 19:24:56 (UTC) Whenever you reach 40 successfull invitations in one month do let me know

very thanks Tim ... i feel so happy now :-)

Edited by author: 12.9.2011 20:30:36 GMT
12.09.2011 [20:24]
Whenever you reach 40 successfull invitations in one month do let me know... :-P
12.09.2011 [20:23]
Technically it wasn't so easy to remove the limit, so we've now set it to 200 vEuros per month
10.09.2011 [03:58]
Thanks so much Tim.
you may a one hope of many referral :-)

Edited by author: 10.9.2011 2:59:06 GMT
09.09.2011 [19:40]
I'll open the discussion again with Pieter on monday, perhaps this limit does not make sense indeed...
09.09.2011 [19:03]
That's weird, they want you to invite more people yet they're not willing to pay you for doing so.
09.09.2011 [15:07]
i was invited many people to member subcription.
but why VRC WORLD limit me like this...
i think... it not fair


Dear Smith,

You have reached your monthly reward limit (vEUR 20.00) for inviting your friends into VRC Pro.

We are very thankful that you are actively bringing new racers into this community. Even though your limit for this month is reached we encourage you to continue inviting more people in: the more racers, the more fun!
05.09.2011 [10:28]
Good observation ;-)
04.09.2011 [20:57]
Hey Tim, same tip added by you last month ;-)

About the author

Tim B.
NL Netherlands
Member since 05.09.2008
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Best class:
Skill rating:
1:10 Electric on-road
6.75 (Club)

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NL Tim B.
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Invite a friend & race together

Forum: Recommendation
NL Tim B.
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Posts: 9     Views: 3772     Rating:

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