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(Total posts: 12)
Richard I.
I'm cool. Thanks!! I will give that a try. David Joor posted a video and I can't get that to work either. Is there somewhere I can watch it once it's saved?? Thanks.
Dusan B
Thank you for this setup , just need few laps with it and i do my best lap (44.975sec) on Nitro Blast track
Patrick BModerator
New : Screenshot of this Setup
Patrick BModerator
Posted by: Richard Infanti (CA) on 21.12.2013 4:35:52 (UTC)
so how the hell are you guys opening these files..... i even tried browsing the web and I canèt find squat!!!
Keep cool. Download the File, than copy it into your carsetup folder
Richard I.
so how the hell are you guys opening these files..... i even tried browsing the web and I canèt find squat!!!
Patrick BModerator
Posted by: Guido Hiepen (DE) on 20.12.2013 15:06:44 (UTC)
Hallo Patrick.Kannst du das Setup eventl. mit den Standart Teilen ändern ? Dann kann das wenigstens jeder nutzen der das kleine Buggy Paket gekauft hat. Oder mach nen Screenshot dann kann das wirklich jeder nutzen.
Schreib mir mal die Teile die du in einem Buggy verbaut hast (Die alle haben) per Privater Nachricht, dann mache ich das für euch
Josh V.
you don't open the files,..
paste them into your MY DOCUMENTS/VIRTUAL RC PRO/CAR SETUP/USERNAME folder, then LOAD them from your CAR SETUP page. :)
Richard I.
what are u guys using to open these files? I can't get them to work?? Thanks
Guido H.
Hallo Patrick.Kannst du das Setup eventl. mit den Standart Teilen ändern ? Dann kann das wenigstens jeder nutzen der das kleine Buggy Paket gekauft hat. Oder mach nen Screenshot dann kann das wirklich jeder nutzen.
Sven B.
and works only if u bought the 100€ buggy upgrade..i just spend 50€ and cant use ANY of the presaved or downloaded setup sheets
Patrick BModerator
Hello Phil
Click on "Load Car" There you can find the Saved Setups. There is Davids setup in Blue font.
Philippe G
Hello Patrick,
and where you found the original Setup of David Ronnefalk for 1/8 Buggy?
--> I found it, it's in the Game after selecting a 1/8 Buggy
"RX-8 Full option David Ronnefalk set-up".
Edited by author: 19.12.2013 18:51:30 GMT