Welcome to the VRC LIVE

Bienvenue sur VRC LIVE !!!

mon club a la particularité d'avoir un serveur vocal !!!
le Multijoueur, et la convivialité et mise en avant afin de retrouver l'ambiance de nos paddocks...

retrouvons nous le soir ou le week end après le boulot pour se détendre, discuter et se tirer la bourre !!! ....


Club details

Club name: VRC LIVE
Created: 04.11.2012
Manager: Michel Garcia
Country: FR France
Home track: VRC Super Speedway Short
Members: 20

Tips & knowledge item

vrc crash when u play with more than 4/5 players added: 11.11.2015

Category: Hardware     Views: 3761     Rating:    

i don't know why but since the last updates, i can t race with more than 4 or 5 people
i have a message about 'out of memory" and it restart the game and lower my graphic set up but its a new thing because i played with 10 players before with full details.

i have windows 10, intel i7 4790k, gtx 970, 8gb ram,...
a pc gamer

please find an issue for that



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(Total posts: 9)
15.01.2016 [11:35]
Posted by: Chris Grimes (GB) on 14.1.2016 22:34:04 (UTC) after all of the problems people have running VRC and the time it takes you to release any fixes at all, you ought to give some additional time on subscriptions as I have lost weeks in multi player time!

you have lifetime all-inclusive so plenty of mp and other racing ahead of you! Enjoy the ride.
14.01.2016 [22:34]
after all of the problems people have running VRC and the time it takes you to release any fixes at all, you ought to give some additional time on subscriptions as I have lost weeks in multi player time!
14.01.2016 [22:25]
im getting this every time i play multiplayer now, never did it before!
29.12.2015 [08:41]
Posted by: Rick Baniqued (US) on 28.12.2015 18:51:14 (UTC) Playing with more then 5 people, i would get booted out of room saying session ended. Any fix?

see below, lower texture quality to medium or low. We have a fix which will be released in January.
28.12.2015 [18:51]
Playing with more then 5 people, i would get booted out of room saying session ended. Any fix?
30.11.2015 [09:39]
only fix right now is to lower the texture quality to medium or low in Grahpics options.
29.11.2015 [20:00]
I did't got this error yet on my side.
12.11.2015 [19:00]
"xandra out of memory. ur graphical settings will be loweredon next start of system. System will go down after pressing ok."
11.11.2015 [04:08]
I also get this with the new update, when racing electric buggy with around 7 players in multiplayer. Hasn't happened previously. No message, it just hangs the game. One time it froze out all keyboard input for about 30 seconds before hanging. I'm on Win XP.

About the author

Cedric A.
TF French Antilles
Member since 12.02.2013
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Best class:
Skill rating:
1:8 Nitro buggy
8.89 (Sport)

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CH Thierry B.
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vrc crash when u play with more than 4/5 players

Forum: Hardware
TF Cedric A.
Added: 11.11.2015 [00:25]
Posts: 9     Views: 3761     Rating:


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