Welcome to the TEAM ITALY

Benvenuti nel Team Italia.

Ho creato questo club per racchiudere tutti i piloti italiani in VRC PRO.
Qua, possiamo scambiarci consigli e set-up.
Organizzerò alcune gare durante gli eventi più importanti per allenarsi,usando le condizioni climatiche dell'evento ufficiale. Inoltre, organizzerò simpatici Trofei sia con la categoria nitro che con quella elettrico.
Se volete gare con la categoria che preferite, provvederò subito ad organizzarle.

Vi auguro buone gare e buon divertimento.

Club details

Club name: TEAM ITALY
Created: 14.07.2011
Manager: Brian Poliseno
Country: IT Italy
Home track: Fiorano
Members: 236

Tips & knowledge item

How to figure out which controller to use added: 08.08.2011

Category: Hardware     Views: 12921     Rating:    

If you have several options for controlling VRC PRO...USB 2 Adaptor, USB 3 Adaptor, USB 3NT Adaptor, various transmitters to connect into them, a VRC Controller...even a DSC cable link.

If you download DXTweak2 (free) and connect in your controllers one at a time, the best one to drive with is the one with the most stable reception.

i.e. the one where the arrows in DXTweak2 don't jump about.


Note...I have tried the 64 bit version and it works ok on Windows 7.

Also, when calibrating in Windows, note the numbers that appear for the X and Y axis, the higher the better...it means you are getting finer control.
4096 is about the highest you will see, so the closer you are to this the better.

Edited by author: 9.10.2012 13:53:46 GMT


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Pages: 1 | 2 (Total posts: 16)
25.05.2020 [01:17]
I just tried to buy the ProRace but it wont even let me setup an account.
04.05.2020 [14:12]
i cant find a controller anywhere i dont want an adaptor i want a usb radio all in one please help cheers
04.05.2020 [14:12]
i cant find a controller anywhere i dont want an adaptor i want a usb radio all in one please help cheers
28.12.2016 [01:05]
Posted by: Rudolf Aigner (TH) on 29.6.2016 6:05:10 (UTC)
Posted by: Lee Passehl (US) on 11.6.2016 15:37:09 (UTC) Hi Graham. I tried copying and pasting the link for the software and the link is broken (404 not found). Do you have any suggestions where I can find the link? (For DXTweak2)
Hi, if you're still in need to get the DXTweak here's a link. https://mega.nz/#!1dtDjYwa!YVYG6uEupcf_EAP-Z7BSXbz1QhqAJUmXM_0qVYtLzS4 Cheers Rudolf Aigner

Ok thank you very much. I have another question, since this download looks a little old, is there an update or new and better version of DXtweak2 that makes your radio respond and feel better? I downloaded the link however everytime I clicked the DXtweak2 app, it would not respond or load. Is this app worth it these days or is there something new and improved? Thank you.
29.06.2016 [07:05]
Posted by: Lee Passehl (US) on 11.6.2016 15:37:09 (UTC) Hi Graham. I tried copying and pasting the link for the software and the link is broken (404 not found). Do you have any suggestions where I can find the link? (For DXTweak2)

if you're still in need to get the DXTweak here's a link.
Rudolf Aigner
11.06.2016 [16:37]
Hi Graham. I tried copying and pasting the link for the software and the link is broken (404 not found). Do you have any suggestions where I can find the link? (For DXTweak2)
15.04.2013 [18:11]
Is it like this one ...

If it is, as Frank says, it will just plug into your USB and should work.

15.04.2013 [17:16]
Posted by: Graham Raistrick (GB) on 15.4.2013 15:51:00 (UTC)
Posted by: Tom Lewis (US) on 15.4.2013 15:21:32 (UTC) Will my VRC pistol grip controller work with the VRC PRO?
Yes, there are guys still using them in VRC PRO...Giorgio Mingotti for one. If its a normal pistol transmitter, you will need a USB adaptor like the ProRace 4096 from milehighwings.com or the VRC 3NT from VRC themselves, or the 9Turbo from Smith at 9rc.com All different prices, all different capabilities. Edited by author: 15.4.2013 15:51:31 GMT

My pistol grip controller has a USB plug on it.
15.04.2013 [16:55]
Posted by: Tom Lewis (US) on 15.4.2013 15:21:32 (UTC) Will my VRC pistol grip controller work with the VRC PRO?

yes, it will work and you don't need any USB adaptor, it's already built in.
15.04.2013 [16:51]
Posted by: Tom Lewis (US) on 15.4.2013 15:21:32 (UTC) Will my VRC pistol grip controller work with the VRC PRO?

Yes, there are guys still using them in VRC PRO...Giorgio Mingotti for one.
If its a normal pistol transmitter, you will need a USB adaptor like the ProRace 4096 from milehighwings.com or the VRC 3NT from VRC themselves, or the 9Turbo from Smith at 9rc.com
All different prices, all different capabilities.

Edited by author: 15.4.2013 15:51:31 GMT
15.04.2013 [16:21]
Will my VRC pistol grip controller work with the VRC PRO?
15.04.2013 [14:39]
Thanks Graham, I've asked.
I will comment on their performance.
14.04.2013 [22:39]
Jose, the 3NT is only 1024 resolution...the Pro Race is 4096 resolution....I think you can work the rest out ;-)
13.04.2013 [13:38]
Very informative Graham, Thanks!
13.04.2013 [09:05]
Graham, I've only used the adapter 3NT and have never had problems. ProRace think the 4096 I can improve my performance on the track?

The system I use on my computer "Vista" 64-bit.

About the author

Graham R.
GB United Kingdom
Member since 16.05.2011
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1:8 Nitro sportscar Spec
9.98 (Pro)

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