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(Total posts: 8)
Josh V.
Thx for the input Kirby!
Kirby Backemeyer
Have not had any luck with the downstop, it slowed up my lap times abit. I tried diffrent ride heights and other things with no positive result. When i go thru a corner with downstop applied (lets say for instance the start/finish left hand turn after front stretch of Rhein, the truck takes a much wider slide than it usually does with no downstop applied. It was sending me into the right hand track piping/barrier alot. Have tried using this before, I believe David Joors Mike3 setup has some downstop applied and does seem to work pretty well he is running -3.5 rear toe on that set which is countering the slide thru turns abit.
Josh V.
No news,.... ): I'm sure it will be a long time still, they only have ONE man doing that part of the programming, lol. I know it will come with the buggies, and they are probly not going to release them in the middle of a season. Would be nice if they could push the 3d sus for the SCTs out ahead of the buggies but,...
The last I heard,not only did the new design fix the "something not quite right" of the 4x4 SCTs, they tossed it under the 2wd SCT and they Worked finally! They had put 2wd off-road on hold because of them handling so bad.
Kenn A.
any news of the new 3d suspention release? can't wait
Josh V.
when the 3d suspension comes out, all of that will be obsolete! from what they say, the new model suspension is supposed to be EXACT to real settings,... :D
I like to use like 2-3 downstop in the front to help keep the front end from pointing at the moon at full throttle, but other than that I also feel that they loosen the ride. I am curious as to what Kirby learns for now!
Kenn A.
I don't think this part of the setup are very realistic bc in irl racing the downstops have a huge role on the cars balance, in the game they work but not the real way
Kenn A.
cool thanks
Kirby Backemeyer
I have tried using them before in past for setups on tracks and have not had much luck. I tried applying them to the current setup Im using for the Rhein Main event currently running and it felt like the truck became abit more loose. I have seen a few setups with the bumpstop applied but not very many. I may try adjusting ride height and applying some bumpstop tonight when I try tweaking setup some more. Will post any results or findings I may come up with.