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(Total posts: 5)
SlaSh K
Vitor F
Good night dear friends.
I ask you to excuse be to bore you, but I'm trying to use engines 5.5 or 6.5 on a scale of 1 .10 tram, but I can not give more than three rounds (in Heemsteed).
I've tried all batteries have available and no take any more than that.
I am forgetting myself to change anything else in the car?
Batteries that have available are all 7.4V and have tried all the amperage.
If you can give some tips thank you.
Thank you very much.
Miklos H.
It's different for everyone. The faster You become, the more powerful car becomes comfortable.
Maybe Hara or Rheinard would feel a lack of power with the 4.5T.
Zdenek H
Yes, 4,5T is too much for this track, I try 6,5 and 5,5 and for me is 5,5 best choice. I posted my setup.
Giovanni F. D
Overdriving (with guitar distortion pedal) always cost time ( Jean Alesi F1 driver ).
Some driver of 1/10 sayd " to be fast avoid drifting ".