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Impression of Silver Dollar 2013 IFMAR t

Additional info

added: 16.12.2013
event: 2013 VRC WORLDS 1:10 SC TRUCKS - by TEKIN
track: Silver Dollar 2
class: 1:10 Short Course 4WD
This video is part of publication: Impression of Silver Dollar 2013 IFMAR t


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24.12.2013 [10:59]
Posted by: Jose M Maciá (ES) on 18.12.2013 11:39:14 (UTC) As the buggy, and the new tracks is available, I will set my club several races, so we can start enjoying this great day.

Just waiting for the calendar jejejeje ;-)
18.12.2013 [11:39]
As the buggy, and the new tracks is available, I will set my club several races, so we can start enjoying this great day.
18.12.2013 [10:53]
Official :

18.12.2013 [10:51]
Posted by: Patrick Behrendt (DE) on 18.12.2013 10:46:29 (UTC)
when did pieter say that? did you have a link to his post please

I can't find it now,.. but it said something like,.. RELEASED,.. w a 5 hour download, making it so that we should be able to PLAY around 6pm! ;) Patience!!!

"we're aiming for somewhere in the afternoon. Technically this is not a big update, it is just content. The big structural update was last week.

We are not expecting big issues to arrise so if everything goes well you should be able to run from 6 PM onwards GMT.


Edited by author: 18.12.2013 10:54:50 GMT
18.12.2013 [10:46]
Posted by: Josh Vulte (US) on 18.12.2013 10:44:44 (UTC)
Posted by: Patrick Behrendt (DE) on 18.12.2013 10:32:56 (UTC)
Posted by: Patrick Roberti (DE) on 18.12.2013 10:32:00 (UTC) 10:45 UTC: Server maintanence, Buggies knock on the door!!
Update now? But why? .. Pieter says 6pm GMT?
Didn't he say,.. wanted to release at noon,...(10:50am UTC now)?

when did pieter say that? did you have a link to his post please
18.12.2013 [10:44]
Posted by: Patrick Behrendt (DE) on 18.12.2013 10:32:56 (UTC)
Posted by: Patrick Roberti (DE) on 18.12.2013 10:32:00 (UTC) 10:45 UTC: Server maintanence, Buggies knock on the door!!
Update now? But why? .. Pieter says 6pm GMT?

Didn't he say,.. wanted to release at noon,...(10:50am UTC now)?
18.12.2013 [10:32]
Posted by: Patrick Roberti (DE) on 18.12.2013 10:32:00 (UTC) 10:45 UTC: Server maintanence, Buggies knock on the door!!

Update now? But why? .. Pieter says 6pm GMT?
18.12.2013 [10:32]
10:45 UTC: Server maintanence, Buggies knock on the door!!
18.12.2013 [10:31]
10:45 UTC: Server maintanence, Buggies knock on the door!!
18.12.2013 [10:12]
yes...... endlich!
18.12.2013 [10:02]
6PM GMT Guys!
18.12.2013 [09:28]
ich freu mich! bin gespannt wie es läuft!
18.12.2013 [09:27]
cool 10years wait or so and today is the is big day :-) will drive will drive will drive will drive will drive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
18.12.2013 [08:48]
Posted by: Damon Humphreys (AU) on 18.12.2013 8:07:22 (UTC) When is the buggy being released?

From what Peiter said 6pm gmt today.

Edited by author: 18.12.2013 8:49:39 GMT
18.12.2013 [08:39]
Yes, today is the day.
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