Official event details


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Race:from 05.04.2014 [10:00] to 13.04.2014 [10:00]
Class:1:10 Short Course 4WD 13.5T
Track:Phoenix Fear Farm
Direction:  Official O
Rankings:  not selected
Points:Level 1 ABC (1 - 80)

Timetable (click on round name to show round results)


Dates: from 05.04.2014 [10:00] to 09.04.2014 [09:30]
Duration: race: 6min, warm up: 1min
Race options: particip.: all, tries: 10, direction: official, view position: free
Round race format: all together - pitlane start - sorted overall - Club level


Dates: from 09.04.2014 [10:00] to 13.04.2014 [10:00]
Duration: race: 6min, warm up: 1min
Race options: particip.: 999, tries: 3, direction: official, view position: free
Round race format: in groups - grid start - sorted by group - National level

This event is divided into 3 racer classes. Choose which class to show: Club Sport Pro   | (ALL)
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Round #1 results in class Club - QUALIFYINGShow final event results

(Use the checkboxes to select 2 or 3 results to compare lap times!)
Pos.Member Tries*LapsTimeDifferenceRS*
1Thomas R.AT9 (6)906:03.491-9.55
2David M.GB10 (2)906:07.888+4.397s >9.44
3Giuseppe B.IT1 (1)906:14.997+11.506s >9.26
4Christophe D.FR10 (2)906:15.349+11.858s >9.25
5Gareth H.CA1 (1)906:18.506+15.015s >9.17
6Dustin R.US10 (5)906:19.912+16.421s >9.14
7Carlos C.PT10 (10)906:20.274+16.783s >9.13
8Sean B.CA8 (8)906:20.629+17.138s >9.12
9Valter MagalhaesPT10 (8)906:22.026+18.535s >9.09
10Victor GFR2 (2)906:24.860+21.369s >9.02
11Simon WNZ6 (6)906:25.814+22.323s >9.00
12Jesus MES10 (4)906:25.817+22.326s >9.00
13Tyler MCA7 (4)906:26.486+22.995s >8.98
14Steve SUS10 (10)906:30.234+26.743s >8.90
15Mike BCA5 (5)906:30.700+27.209s >8.89
16FRANCESCO GIT5 (4)906:31.340+27.849s >8.87
17Ryan J.US10 (9)906:34.103+30.612s >8.81
18David B.US5 (4)906:34.351+30.860s >8.80
19Ivan BarnierFR10 (10)906:34.497+31.006s >8.80
20Siegfried S.AT7 (5)906:35.763+32.272s >8.77
21Dominik H.DE4 (1)906:37.465+33.974s >8.74
22Brent L.US3 (3)906:38.886+35.395s >8.70
23Kenneth K.US4 (3)906:41.957+38.466s >8.64
24David C.US2 (2)906:42.149+38.658s >8.63
25Steven HCA4 (2)906:44.417+40.926s >8.58
26Fabien R.FR10 (7)806:00.211+1 laps >8.57
27Shannon L.US3 (3)806:00.625+1 laps >8.56
28Joe GiddeyUS4 (4)806:01.548+1 laps >8.54
29Nick J.US2 (2)806:05.652+1 laps >8.44
30Rahmine A.DZ10 (5)806:07.600+1 laps >8.40
31Fab V.CA5 (5)806:09.455+1 laps >8.35
32Fabrice L.CH2 (1)806:10.657+1 laps >8.33
33Jason H.US1 (1)806:14.000+1 laps >8.25
34Haileene D.CH4 (3)806:17.114+1 laps >8.18
35Mike L.US2 (1)806:17.243+1 laps >8.18
36William H.US7 (3)806:18.403+1 laps >8.16
37Derek G.US3 (3)806:18.771+1 laps >8.15
38Mark M.US1 (1)806:20.406+1 laps >8.11
39Jason K.US4 (4)806:20.737+1 laps >8.11
40Don RUS1 (1)806:21.994+1 laps >8.08
41Erick R.US10 (10)806:22.700+1 laps >8.06
42Anibal MZA3 (3)806:22.820+1 laps >8.06
43Aigars K.LV10 (10)806:25.563+1 laps >8.00
44Simon LGB2 (1)806:26.523+1 laps >7.98
45Luke RNZ3 (3)806:29.043+1 laps >7.93
46Tamlin L.AU10 (10)806:30.066+1 laps >7.91
47Eric D.FR4 (3)806:41.160+1 laps >7.69
48Zach L.US9 (7)806:42.266+1 laps >7.67
49Michael W.US1 (1)806:46.931+1 laps >7.58
50Terry C.AU6 (6)806:48.143+1 laps >7.56
51Rafał PPL1 (1)806:51.131+1 laps >7.51
52Stephen T.US1 (1)806:51.229+1 laps >7.50
53Karl heinz J.DE7 (7)706:02.977+2 laps >7.44
54David Alexandre P.PT2 (2)706:03.342+2 laps >7.43
55David T.US2 (2)706:04.195+2 laps >7.41
56Mauro D.IT1 (1)706:05.408+2 laps >7.39
57Stéphane BFR9 (5)706:07.451+2 laps >7.35
58Larry DUS4 (4)706:10.134+2 laps >7.30
59Tim W.CA3 (3)706:11.186+2 laps >7.27
60David C.US3 (1)706:11.295+2 laps >7.27
61Brandon H.US7 (4)706:13.037+2 laps >7.24
62Peter WAU1 (1)706:24.720+2 laps >7.02
63Fionn O.IE1 (1)706:27.754+2 laps >6.96
64James S.US3 (3)706:28.958+2 laps >6.94
65Luke A.AU1 (1)706:37.851+2 laps >6.79
66Raed M.BH1 (1)706:40.986+2 laps >6.73
67Michael BDE1 (1)706:51.526+2 laps >6.56
68Jeremy M.GB2 (1)606:07.372+3 laps >6.30
69Gary G.AU1 (1)606:34.506+3 laps >5.87
 70Michele R.IT1 (0)-DNF-0.00
(Use the checkboxes to select 2 or 3 results to compare lap times!)

Member's event round runs

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Did you know that...

- you can click on event round name in Timetable to see the results for a particular round

- results with grayed background will NOT advance to next round, results with green background qualify directly to final (bump-up mode only)

- when showing round results you can see position from previous round (if available) and actual overall position

- rounds with 'A-B-C' format are grouped in Heats or Mains, and time/laps difference is made to best result in that group

- you can use checkboxes to select 2 or 3 results to compare lap times

- 'n/a' is shortcut for 'not available'

- 'DNF' means 'did not finish' (aborted race before end)
- 'DNS' means 'did not started' (although qualified, not started any race in actual/last round)
- 'DNQ' means 'did not qualified' (to actual/last round)

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