Official event details


event logo
Race:from 28.11.2015 [00:00] to 13.12.2015 [23:30]
Class:1:12 Electric on-road Spec
Track:VRC Carpet 4
Direction:  Official O
Series:not selected
Rankings:  1:12 electric sportscars 10.5T spec
Points:Level 5 (1 - 180) with DNS* factor 50%

Timetable (click on round name to show round results)

TIMED PRACTICE (not mandatorry)

Dates: from 28.11.2015 [00:00] to 01.12.2015 [09:30]
Duration: race: 8min, warm up: 1min
Race options: particip.: all, tries: 100, direction: official, view position: free
Round race format: all together - pitlane start - sorted overall - Club level


Dates: from 01.12.2015 [10:00] to 05.12.2015 [09:30]
Duration: race: 8min, warm up: 1min
Race options: particip.: all, tries: 6, direction: official, view position: free
Round race format: all together - pitlane start - sorted overall - National level


Dates: from 05.12.2015 [10:30] to 09.12.2015 [09:00]
Duration: race: 8min, warm up: 1min
Race options: particip.: 500, tries: 3, direction: official, view position: free
Round race format: all together - pitlane start - sorted overall - National level


Dates: from 09.12.2015 [10:00] to 13.12.2015 [23:30]
Duration: race: 8min, warm up: 1min
Race options: particip.: 300, tries: 3, direction: official, view position: free
Round race format: in groups - grid start - sorted by group - International level

This event is divided into 3 racer classes. Choose which class to show: Club Sport Pro   | (ALL)
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Final results in class Sport

(Use the checkboxes to select 2 or 3 results to compare lap times!)
Showing results grouped in Heats. Click here to show overall results (unofficial)
Pos.Member PointsLapsTimeDifferenceRS*
A Main   lap chart...
1Robert HillmanSE1803108:03.560-0.00
2Patrick EDE1673108:10.454+6.894s >9.67
3Robert SGB1553008:01.084+1 laps >9.39
4Lukas V.CZ1443008:03.520+1 laps >0.00
5Emanuel RDE1343008:04.674+1 laps >0.00
6Thomas KDE1253008:08.058+1 laps >9.20
7Steve YAU1173008:12.698+1 laps >9.06
8Clemens TAT1103008:13.992+1 laps >9.15
 9Antoine RFR523108:04.686DNS7.65
 10Jose Manuel C.MX493008:12.472DNS0.00
B Main   lap chart...
11Johann JAT952908:00.258-9.15
12Jonathan C.FR922908:03.148+2.890s >0.00
13Erwin FAT902908:04.546+4.288s >9.11
14Mike BCA892908:08.078+7.820s >9.17
15Jean-philippe C.FR882908:08.888+8.630s >8.84
16Joost W.NL872908:09.968+9.710s >6.07
17Tim V.US862908:10.744+10.486s >8.94
18Andrew PAU852808:04.592+1 laps >9.01
19Max D.NL842808:05.792+1 laps >8.61
 20Ulf SSE412908:12.774DNS0.00
C Main   lap chart...
21Mike S.DE822808:03.572-0.00
22Karl heinz J.DE812808:06.542+2.970s >8.87
23Dirk SDE802808:11.380+7.808s >0.00
24Stephan S.ES792808:13.270+9.698s >7.91
25Gary S.US782708:01.662+1 laps >8.48
 26Tom E.US382808:15.704DNS8.73
 27Kino CES382808:16.846DNS0.00
 28Bernd F.DE372708:06.566DNS0.00
 29Fred F.CH372708:11.068DNS0.00
 30Don WUS362608:07.100DNS8.08
D Main   lap chart...
31Lando LIT722608:02.816-7.26
 32Mark FGB353208:08.416DNS0.00
 33Michitaka YJP353208:14.846DNS0.00
 34Tobias S.DE343108:00.744DNS0.00
 35Rene S.DE343108:03.814DNS0.00
 36André FosstoSE333108:09.712DNS0.00
 37Piyadol D.TH333008:05.290DNS0.00
 38Nobuyuki TJP323008:13.560DNS9.24
 39Yuriy MRU323008:15.560DNS0.00
 40Andreas RDE312908:03.932DNS0.00
E Main   lap chart...
 41Ben T.SG312908:13.166DNS0.00
 42Stephen HAU302808:03.558DNS0.00
 43Ricky PinderGB302808:04.132DNS0.00
 44Moisés H.MX292708:16.410DNS0.00
 45Sascha EDE292408:04.226DNS0.00
 46Tomas L.SK283008:05.000DNS9.41
 47Koller PeterCH282808:06.156DNS8.77
 48Johan W.ZA272708:08.946DNS8.40
 49Bill LykarisGR272508:14.394DNS7.70
 50Christian H.DE262308:13.230DNS7.10
(Use the checkboxes to select 2 or 3 results to compare lap times!)

Member's event round runs

Click on member name to show his race runs...

Did you know that...

- you can click on event round name in Timetable to see the results for a particular round

- results with grayed background will NOT advance to next round, results with green background qualify directly to final (bump-up mode only)

- when showing round results you can see position from previous round (if available) and actual overall position

- rounds with 'A-B-C' format are grouped in Heats or Mains, and time/laps difference is made to best result in that group

- you can use checkboxes to select 2 or 3 results to compare lap times

- 'n/a' is shortcut for 'not available'

- 'DNF' means 'did not finish' (aborted race before end)
- 'DNS' means 'did not started' (although qualified, not started any race in actual/last round)
- 'DNQ' means 'did not qualified' (to actual/last round)

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