08.01.2016 Category: Site news
Saturday January 9 the new racing season starts. Go to the events page to check out all the racing!
Electric buggies is now also part of the racing season in both open and spec class. As announced earlier, the official Season 1 series is about 8 events over a period of 4 months, of which your best 5 results will count for the Series championship.
The skill levels for all the classes you have raced in in the past season and WC's have been recalculated.
Go to your personal racer class overview page, check all the skill levels and if you want to compete in a higher class you can set that now.
The Spec classes do NOT count for the overall rankings.
The NASCAR on-road events do not count for the overal on-road rankings.
Enjoy the new racing season!
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(Total posts: 10)
Warren J.
To me Montpellier reverse is fine.
Neo13 is fine too. In fact we ran it last season for SCT and it was a good event.
Better to have variety than the same old tracks I think.
Joel S
Posted by: Pieter Bervoets (NL) on 11.1.2016 12:16:21 (UTC)
if all agree that Montpellier is not suitable in reverse I will change it.
Yes please change. :)
Pieter BFounder
Posted by: Peter Haaima (NL) on 11.1.2016 14:58:03 (UTC)
Question, after the first qualification the racer class will be set again?
Some people just won't learn it, you have to set it before entering an event.
just go to the racer class setting page and do it now for all your classes you intend to race in this season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Peter H
Question, after the first qualification the racer class will be set again?
Some people just won't learn it, you have to set it before entering an event.
Pieter BFounder
Posted by: Massimo Aliprandi (IT) on 8.1.2016 20:23:49 (UTC)
We want videos of A-main world finals! No report at all this year? It sucks.
Edited by author: 8.1.2016 20:24:17 GMT
as you know I do this all alone now. I just can't find the time for this anymore, so many classes now.
We are working on Reporter feature so racers who like to become Race reporter can write race reports on paricular series. I will write a news item to invite members to become Race reporter when the new feature is finished. Will hopefully also give more inside info!
Pieter BFounder
if all agree that Montpellier is not suitable in reverse I will change it.
Markku HVRC World Champion
Posted by: Joel Smith (AU) on 9.1.2016 6:43:31 (UTC)
Only disappointment is that Montpellier is in reverse. It doesn't flow backwards.
How about that Neo 2013
It wont work in reverse.
There is so much jumps where that landing is so low that you cant jump it.
Mostly season will be great but that montpellier and Neo tracks in reverse... awful
Joel S
Only disappointment is that Montpellier is in reverse. It doesn't flow backwards.
Rudolf A.
I guess Pieter was too busy to do this already. Maybe it will come later?
Rudolf Aigner
Massimo A
We want videos of A-main world finals! No report at all this year? It sucks.
Edited by author: 8.1.2016 20:24:17 GMT