29.12.2011 Category: Site news
the 2012 VRC Pro Racing Calender has been released, check it out under the Events button.
We organize World Series for the 5 most important classes:
- 1:10 electric ISTC
- 1:10 electric ISTC 13.5T Spec
- 1:12 electric
- 1:8 nitro
- 1:10 nitro
These 5 series run at 4 week intervals starting tomorrow for 1:8 nitro, and will finish end of November. We keep the month of December open for the VRC Pro World Championships, as usual.
Some rounds in the series are missing because they will be run on tracks which are not yet released. We will publish these events as soon as these tracks are released.
1:10 ISTC and Spec events run on the same tracks and in the same week, Spec class is restricted to level 4 (Experienced) and lower racers, modified is open to all of course.
The following events will be held on the same track and at the same time as the real events take place. So if you can't make it to the real event be sure to participate in the virtual version of it. Can be very exciting too!
In February we organize the Virtual Florida Winternats at the Ft. Myers track, for 1:8 and 1:10 nitro, and for 1:8 spec (Master class), also restricted to level 4 and lower racers.
End of March we organize the Virtual LRP TCM 2012 for 1:10 ISTC and 1:10 ISTC Spec 13.5T cars on the Eppelheim 2012 lay-out track.
In July we will organize the Virtual IFMAR Worlds for 1:10 ISTC at the Heemstede 2012 layout track, and for 1:12 electric on the Haarlem indoor track, both tracks will be released shortly.
Every week and month we will have on-going racing in all the important classes, never a dull moment in VRC Pro!
We hope this gives you plenty of exciting racing this season. If you think VRC Pro is exciting and gives you many many hours of pure r/c racing fun, tell your friends to give it a try and start racing VRC Pro. More racers = more fun!
your VRC Race director
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(Total posts: 2)
Brian T.
Posted by: David Jean (CA) on 29.12.2011 21:32:05 (UTC)
Can we have some detail about the Off-Road Version please ?
+1 :)
David J
Can we have some detail about the Off-Road Version please ?