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Mini Autodrome Jody Scheckter, Fiorano Italy, this track is located just around the corner of the famous Ferrari test track.

One of the older, classic Italian tracks with the fast straight directly in front of the drivers stand. The fast chicane at the back is challenging, get it right and you drop your lap time, get it wrong and you waste a good lap...
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1:8 Nitro on-road sportscarsn/a
1:10 Nitro on-roadn/a
1:10 Electric on-roadn/a
1:10 Electric on-road Specn/a
1:8 Nitro sportscar Specn/a
1:10 Nitro on-road Specn/a
1:12 Electric on-road Specn/a
1:12 Electric on-roadn/a
1:10 Electric NASCAR Truckn/a
1:8 Nitro NASCAR Truckn/a
1:8 Nitro NASCAR Truck Specn/a
1:10 Nitro NASCAR Truckn/a
1:10 Nitro NASCARTruck Specn/a
1:10 Electric NASCAR Truck Specn/a
1:10 Electric Driftern/a
1:8 Nitro GT3n/a
1:8 Nitro GT3 Specn/a
1:10 Electric on-road 17.5T Clubn/a
1:10 Short Course 4WDn/a
1:8 Nitro buggyn/a
1:8 Nitro buggy Specn/a
1:10 Short Course 4WD 13.5Tn/a
1:8 Electric buggyn/a
1:8 Electric buggy Specn/a
1:10 Electric Basher & Crawlern/a
1:10 Electric Bashing & Crawling Truck Specn/a
1:8 Rally Xn/a
1:8 Rally X Specn/a
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text Kevin Bacon

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American Joshua Berman was the only racer to achieve 75 laps in his most recent victory in 1.8 Nitro Sportscar Spec at Fiorano. Berman was also the only racer to achieve 46 laps in the semi-final and top qualifier in the qualifying round. Berman finished the 20-minute final with an incredibly consistent run and average lap of 15.761 seconds. Second place was claimed by fellow American racer Kevin Bacon. Bacon finished about a half lap behind Berman. Bacon’s average lap was 15.842.

Joshua Berman was once again unstoppable

However, the real story was battle for the third podium position. It literally took a photo finish to determine who reached the finish line first. Ireland’s Austin Elliot started the final in 3rd position but UK’s Graham Raistrick challenged Elliot throughout the race. At the 40-lap mark Elliot had established a 2 second lead over Raistrick, but a mistake by Elliot on lap 42 brought Raistrick within 1 second. The two remained approximately 1 second apart until lap 60 when they both needed to come in for fuel. Raistrick was a second quicker through the pit lane and closed the gap to a narrow .290 seconds. Raistrick had a little trouble on lap 64 which gave Elliot a little breathing room. However, Elliot made a mistake on lap 71 which allowed Raistrick to pass and take a .160 second lead. The pair entered the final lap (lap 74) with Raistrick leading by .170 seconds; but Elliot would not be denied. Elliot held tight lines throughout the final lap, including the crucial final corner. Raistrick and Graham finished the 20-minute final with IDENTICAL TIMES. (74 laps in 20:12.472). Elliot’s average lap was 15.927, slightly faster that Raistrick’s 15.947; but Raistick maintains his pit lane wizardry.

Kevin Bacon got second place, 7.8 seconds behind winner

Both Elliot and Raistrick were amazed by the results. Both gentlemen responded to the results like true sportsman of our hobby; insisting that the other deserved the podium position. Review of the replay and screenshots of finish were posted in a forum wherein it appeared that Elliot’s pink Serpent reached the finishing line approximately 5 cm ahead of Raistrick’s orange Serpent. The final results posted and indicated that result; Elliot 3rd and Raistrick 4th.

This close it was when Elliot and Raistrick crossed the finishline

Izidor Tratnik of Slovenia finished 5th one lap ahead of American Mike Cruz (6th) and France’s Bruno Eliazord (7th). Cruz and Eliazord also had a close finish. Eliazord and Cruz swapped positions 9 times throughout the final. They entered their final lap with Eliazord .842 seconds ahead. However, Eliazord faltered on the final lap allowing Cruz to cross the finish line .540 ahead of Eliazord. Miquel Hereijgers (Netherlands), Massimiliano Tanturri (Italy) and Ugo Calaprice (Italy) did not start.

At SPORT level we got tight race between podium drivers. Maisch, Blau and Sears were all inside 3.6 seconds when race finished. Maisch was strongest, Blau at second place, 0.484 seconds behind winner and Sears at third place, 3.124 seconds from Blau.

At CLUB level, Rocco Aristide from Italy was fastest and won this with 3.6 seconds margin to Gary Crowell. Third place went to Manuel Weber.


A-main PRO

1|Joshua Berman|US|75|20:13.348 2|Kevin Bacon|US|74|20:05.434 3|Austin Elliott|IE|74|20:12.472 4|Graham Raistrick|GB|74|20:12.472 5|Izidor Tratnik|SI|72|20:05.472 6|Mike Cruz|US|71|20:05.302 7|Bruno Eliazord|FR|71|20:05.842 8|Miquel Hereijgers|NL|DNS 9|Massimiliano Tanturri|IT|DNS 10|Ugo Calaprice|IT|DNS

A-main SPORT

1|Alexander Maisch|DE|70|20:04.250 2|Eckart Blau|DE|70|20:04.734 3|Gene Sears|US|70|20:07.858 4|Nuno Lourenco|PT|69|20:02.660 5|Rudolf Aigner|TH|69|20:10.338 6|Olivier Gurdebeke|BE|68|20:12.172 7|Gary Sundman|US|67|20:10.010 8|Jean-philippe Csernak|FR|66|20:02.326 9|Anibal Menezes|ZA|DNS 10|Kevin Tsang|HK|DNS

A-main CLUB

1|Rocco Aristide|IT|68|20:07.846 2|Gary Crowell|US|68|20:11.440 3|Manuel Weber|US|67|20:03.358 4|Johann Jury|AT|66|20:01.816 5|Petr Bella|BE|66|20:04.718 6|Dorian Marcel|FR|64|20:00.398 7|Andreas Schneeloch|DE|64|20:01.266 8|Andre Van Zyl|ZA|63|20:05.166 9|Tom Kerbl|AT|60|20:04.142 10|Vitor Francês|PT|58|20:00.032


PRO level

1|Kevin Bacon|230 2|Austin Elliott|226 3|Pierre Dumusc|201 4|Mugen Mrx-5|198 5|Joshua Berman|173 6|Bruno Eliazord|156 7|Graham Raistrick|154 8|Klaus Koewenig|135 9|Sven Dellebeke|130 10|Marco Mognol|128

SPORT level

1|Nuno Lourenco|232 2|Gene Sears|230 3|Eckart Blau|222 4|Rudolf Aigner|212 5|Gary Sundman|194 6|Peter Haaima|156 7|Jean-philippe Csernak|142 8|Olivier Gurdebeke|138 9|Hans Guenther Heitsch|131 10|Christophe DELAMARE|130


1|Gary Crowell|234 2|Manuel Weber|226 3|Dorian Marcel|206 4|Johann Jury|148 5|Petr Bella|144 6|Andre Van Zyl|141 7|Tom Kerbl|132 8|Christos Katsigiannis|130 9|Vitor Francês|120 10|Alex Feuchter|117


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(Total posts: 6)
06.03.2017 [13:03]
Welcome Kevin as a new race reporter. I have assigned the reporter rights to your account now so you should (eventually' be able to do this all by yourself. Jupe and myself can be of assistance if needed!

Keep it up Kevin, we can sure have some more race reporters still!
05.03.2017 [23:47]
Yeah guys...that was a great race and this is a great report...Nice one. Congrats to Josh, Kevin and especially Austin on a GREAT 3rd position....SOOOO close ;-)
05.03.2017 [02:06]
Thanks guys. This really was an incredible race and I felt it needed to be shared. Austin and Graham were gentleman in how they handled the result. I have a lot of respect for them both.
04.03.2017 [23:32]
Great job Kevin.
Very well put
04.03.2017 [23:23]
Nice report!
04.03.2017 [10:35]
Great coverage Kevin, thanks! Keep it going!

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