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Kissimmee Full Throttle Raceway, 2004 IFMAR Worlds 1:10 electric lay-out
1   2   3   4   5

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1:8 Nitro on-road sportscarsn/a
1:10 Nitro on-roadn/a
1:10 Electric on-roadn/a
1:10 Electric on-road Specn/a
1:8 Nitro sportscar Specn/a
1:10 Nitro on-road Specn/a
1:12 Electric on-road Specn/a
1:12 Electric on-roadn/a
1:10 Electric NASCAR Truckn/a
1:8 Nitro NASCAR Truckn/a
1:8 Nitro NASCAR Truck Specn/a
1:10 Nitro NASCAR Truckn/a
1:10 Nitro NASCARTruck Specn/a
1:10 Electric NASCAR Truck Specn/a
1:10 Electric Driftern/a
1:8 Nitro GT3n/a
1:8 Nitro GT3 Specn/a
1:10 Electric on-road 17.5T Clubn/a
1:10 Short Course 4WDn/a
1:8 Nitro buggyn/a
1:8 Nitro buggy Specn/a
1:10 Short Course 4WD 13.5Tn/a
1:8 Electric buggyn/a
1:8 Electric buggy Specn/a
1:10 Electric Stadium Truckn/a
1:10 Electric Stadium Truck Specn/a
1:10 Electric Crawlern/a
1:8 Rally Xn/a
1:8 Rally X Specn/a
00 00 00
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Event report for: 2018 VRC WORLDS 1:10 ELECTRIC TOURINGSCARS 13.5T


Epic 3-way battle between Hamak, Gayson and Berman, up until the very last corner. Hamak returning form a 5 year absence in VRC in great form!

A-Main Pro class:

1.|Zdenek Hamak|CZ|23|05:02.388 2.|Ben Gayson|GB|23|05:03.092 3.|Joshua Berman|US|23|05:03.224 4.|Xavier Deparde|FR|23|05:06.474 5.|Gary Crowell|US|23|05:08.324 6.|Tommaso Andreuccetti|IT|23|05:08.684 7.|Olivier Meunier|DE|23|05:10.524 8.|Jozsef Valent|HU|22|05:02.332 9.|VALENTIN PEUZIAT|FR|DNF| 10.|Manuel Gremlica|AT|DNF|


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28.01.2019 [10:22]
was a really fun race to compete in congrats due for Zdenek he had the best final by far, I struggled in the final and blew it when I made a mistake for sure cant wait to race all the guys again.
28.01.2019 [09:52]
Thanks, It was very nice race. Smooth laps needed, but also find correct line. I struggled with line in qualy and semis.
Congratulation to all participants
26.01.2019 [18:59]
Well Done Zdenek ben Joshua. very smooth laps there lots of concentration needed



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