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RC-Monkey VRC Japan Tour 2020

Club details

Club name: RC-Monkey
Created: 09.04.2020
Manager: RC-Monkey Manager
Country: JP Japan
Home track: Atsugi 2 Kyosho
Members: 192

Recent news

RC-Monkey VRC Japan Tour Round5 in Tamiya Kakegawa Circuit

13.06.2020   0 comments

RC-Monkey VRC Japan Tour Round5がタミヤ掛川サーキットにて開幕します。

1/10 電動 ツーリングカー17.5Tクラス
1/12 電動 レーシングカー SPECクラス (路面グリップ85%)


The RC-Monkey VRC Japan Tour Round 5 will be held at TAMIYA Kakegawa Circuit.

1/10 Electric Touring Car 17.5T Class
1/12 Electric Racing Car Spec Class (Grip level 85%)

Qualifying: June 15-19 (10 runs)
Final: June 22-26 (3 runs)

RC-Monkey VRC Japan Tour Round4 in BossSpeed

01.06.2020   0 comments

RC-Monkey VRC Japan Tour Round4がBossSpeedにて開幕します。

1/10 電動 ツーリングカー17.5Tクラス
1/10 電動 ショートコーストラックモデファイドクラス


The RC-Monkey VRC Japan Tour Round 4 will be held at Boss Speed.

1/10 Electric Touring Car 17.5T Class
1/10 Electric SC Truck Modified Class

Qualifying: June 1 - 5 (10 runs)
Final: June 9-12 (3 runs)

RC-Monkey VRC Japan Tour Round3 in Keitune

15.05.2020   0 comments

RC-Monkey VRC Japan Tour Round3がケイチューンレーシングスピードウェイにて開幕します。

1/10 電動 ツーリングカー17.5Tクラス
1/10 電動 ナスカートラックモデファイドクラス(オーバルレイアウト)


The RC-Monkey VRC Japan Tour Round 3 will be held at K-Tune Racing Speedway.

1/10 Electric Touring Car 17.5T Class
1/10 Electric Nascar Truck Modified Class (Oval Layout)

Qualifying: May 18 - 22 (10 runs)
Final: May 25 - 29 (3 runs)

Round2開幕 / Round 2 is now open.

04.05.2020   0 comments

RC-Monkey VRC JAPAN TOUR 2020 Round2が開幕しました。

今回の会場はホクセイサーキット(現在のINFINITY International RC Speedway)。



RC-Monkey VRC JAPAN TOUR 2020 Round2 has started.

The venue for this year's race was the HOKUSEI Circuit (now the INFINITY International RC Speedway).

The 1/10 electric touring car 17.5T (5 minutes of qualifying, 5 minutes of race) and 1/8 engine racing car SPEC (5 minutes of qualifying, 20 minutes of race) will be held.

You can run up to 10 qualifying runs between May 4 and May 8.
Up to three finals can be run between May 11 and May 15.




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