Welcome to the Petit Bolide Billiotais

Un événement par weekend (1 TT + 1 Piste)
Qualification le vendredi samedi - finale le dimanche.

Warm Up le mercredi soir précédent le weekend!

Club details

Club name: Petit Bolide Billiotais
Created: 25.03.2020
Manager: Julien Joubioux
Country: FR France
Home track: Silver Dollar 2 AMain
Members: 27
(Total topics: 10) Log in or register to be able start new topic
kyosho MP10 Car setup 15.04.2020 [07:31] FR Laurent L 0 3314
kyosho MP9e EVO Car setup 25.03.2020 [09:16] FR Laurent L 0 3206
Setup 1/8 Buggy Elec Fear Farm Car setup 09.10.2017 [09:42] FR Vincent B. 2 4179
Setup Melzo 1/10 onroad Elec Car setup 04.12.2015 [07:28] FR Vincent B. 0 2714
tamiya lipo 5.5T Car setup 19.06.2014 [19:43] FR VALENTIN P 3 4899
Set up 1/10 KYOSHO SPEC Car setup 27.03.2013 [13:28] FR VALENTIN P 0 3521
Set up 1/10 short coure Stock Car setup 27.03.2013 [13:01] FR VALENTIN P 0 2790
TAMIYA 4WD SPEC 1/10 Car setup 28.01.2013 [06:23] FR VALENTIN P 3 3616
Tamiya modified set up carpet1 Car setup 13.01.2013 [18:49] FR VALENTIN P 0 2439
car setup 1/10 modified Car setup 08.01.2013 [14:15] FR VALENTIN P 0 2564

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