Rd1 - MHS 1 - 8th Spec eBuggystatus: FINISHED
Hi Friends,
This will be Rd#1. It will be held at Mike's Hobby Shop (Layout 1).
Car will be the 8th scale "spec" Buggy. Feel free to play with paint and all tuning settings that you are allowed within "spec" class.
Open qualifying from 4/8 12:00pm to 6pm CST. Take a picture of your fastest 5 minute session, and post it on our FB group. Based on qualifying we will do A, B and C-Mains.
Link to post: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1335578729924509/1648552428627136/?comment_id=1648558635293182¬if_id=1586289288911409¬if_t=group_comment