Club event details
RRL saison 2 SPEC - Course 2status: FINISHED
Bienvenue a la saison 2 de la RC Racing League. Nous vous souhaitons la meilleure des chances lors de vos courses !
Welcome to RC racing League Season 2. We wish you good luck with your races.
Bump-up race mode represents structure of 3 rounds. Based on results in first (qualification) round are racers evenly spread over defined number of semi finals.
The Top N racers qualify directly to main final.
From semi final another top N racers from each group qualify to main final, which is one group of 10 members.
The numbers shown next to bump-up text like (2-4-2) means: 2 members qualify directly to main final, from 4 semifinals another 2 members from each group are qualified to main final.