Official event details


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Race:from 02.03.2024 [09:00] to 11.03.2024 [08:30]
Class:1:10 Short Course 4WD
Track:MHS Raceway 1
Direction:  Reverse R
Rankings:  1:10 electric short course, OVERALL COMBINED, OVERALL OFFROAD COMBINED
Points:Level 2 ABC (1 - 120) with DNS* factor 75%

Timetable (click on round name to show round results)


Dates: from 02.03.2024 [09:00] to 06.03.2024 [08:30]
Duration: race: 6min, warm up: 1min
Race options: particip.: all, tries: 10, direction: reverse, view position: forced
Round race format: all together - pitlane start - sorted overall - Club level


Dates: from 06.03.2024 [09:00] to 11.03.2024 [08:30]
Duration: race: 8min, warm up: 1min
Race options: particip.: 999, tries: 3, direction: reverse, view position: forced
Round race format: in groups - grid start - sorted by group - National level

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Event skill rating per member

The skill rating score shows how your average lap time compares with the overal best average lap time and is calculated after first (qualifying) round. Your skill level for this event car class is based on your last 5 skill rating scores.

Pos.Member ClassTries*LapsTimeAvg. lap timerating score
1Rumsey RUS  Pro  3 (2)  21  06:04.854  00:17.37410.0   more..
2Hikaru NagaraJP  Pro  10 (2)  21  06:10.540  00:17.6449.85   more..
3Christophe EFR  Pro  3 (2)  21  06:17.777  00:17.9899.66   more..
4Arturas S.LT  Pro  1 (1)  21  06:19.797  00:18.0859.61   more..
5Jiří G.CZ  Pro  4 (2)  20  06:00.265  00:18.0139.65   more..
6Andrea NovatiIT  Pro  10 (7)  20  06:06.800  00:18.3409.47   more..
7Gordon SAU  Pro  6 (2)  20  06:09.237  00:18.4619.41   more..
8Kyle BUS  Sport  1 (1)  20  06:10.968  00:18.5489.37   more..
9Jérôme GFR  Sport  9 (6)  20  06:16.077  00:18.8039.24   more..
10Jon KUS  Sport  1 (1)  20  06:17.917  00:18.8959.20   more..
11Gary S.US  Pro  1 (1)  20  06:18.054  00:18.9029.19   more..
12Vitezslav XCZ  Sport  5 (2)  19  06:01.969  00:19.0519.12   more..
13cj m.US  Sport  3 (2)  19  06:04.480  00:19.1839.06   more..
14Sébastien FFR  Sport  1 (1)  19  06:05.317  00:19.2279.04   more..
15Pekka H.FI  Sport  1 (1)  19  06:05.837  00:19.2549.02   more..
16Anthony DFR  Sport  6 (2)  19  06:08.632  00:19.4018.96   more..
17Josef AAT  Sport  3 (2)  19  06:09.003  00:19.4218.95   more..
18Chris T.US  Pro  10 (4)  19  06:09.309  00:19.4378.94   more..
19Erwin FAT  Sport  1 (1)  19  06:13.463  00:19.6558.84   more..
20Marino DES  Sport  2 (2)  19  06:16.274  00:19.8038.77   more..
21Mike HUS  Pro  1 (1)  19  06:16.755  00:19.8298.76   more..
22Noah OUS  Pro  1 (1)  19  06:17.300  00:19.8578.75   more..
23Nutty FGB  Pro  6 (6)  19  06:19.317  00:19.9648.70   more..
24Sylvain LCA  Club  2 (2)  18  06:07.146  00:20.3978.52   more..
25Jacob M.US  Club  8 (4)  18  06:08.551  00:20.4758.49   more..
26Peter E.CA  Sport  1 (1)  18  06:11.166  00:20.6208.43   more..
27Jean SCA  Sport  2 (1)  18  06:13.586  00:20.7548.37   more..
28Nicholas DUS  Sport  1 (1)  18  06:20.374  00:21.1318.22   more..
29Alexandr K.RU  Sport  3 (3)  17  06:02.617  00:21.3308.15   more..
30Uwe RDE  Club  1 (1)  17  06:10.343  00:21.7847.98   more..
31andrew y.US  Club  1 (1)  17  06:12.612  00:21.9187.93   more..
32Grillot S.FR  Club  1 (1)  17  06:17.872  00:22.2277.82   more..
33Steve C.US  Sport  1 (1)  16  06:02.282  00:22.6427.67   more..
34Breton T.FR  Club  2 (1)  16  06:04.783  00:22.7987.62   more..
35Ben S.US  Club  2 (2)  16  06:05.406  00:22.8377.61   more..
36Christopher E.US  Club  3 (3)  16  06:06.854  00:22.9287.58   more..
37Michael TUS  Sport  1 (1)  16  06:07.957  00:22.9977.55   more..
38Jan T.CZ  Club  1 (1)  16  06:08.297  00:23.0187.55   more..
39P SHK  Club  1 (1)  15  06:03.589  00:24.2397.17   more..
40Zak H.US  Club  1 (1)  15  06:11.991  00:24.7997.01   more..
41Madylin CoopriderUS  Club  1 (1)  14  06:02.943  00:25.9246.70   more..
42Joel Lopez ReyesDO  Sport  1 (1)  12  06:10.457  00:30.8715.63   more..

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