Official event details


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Race:from 08.05.2024 [23:00] to 15.05.2024 [22:00]
Class:1:10 Short Course 4WD 13.5T
Track:MHS Raceway 1
Direction:  Reverse R
Series:not selected
Rankings:  1:10 electric SC Trucks Spec Weekly
Points:Level 2 (1 - 100)

Timetable (click on round name to show round results)


Dates: from 08.05.2024 [23:00] to 15.05.2024 [22:00]
Duration: race: 5min, warm up: 1min
Race options: particip.: 999, tries: 50, direction: reverse, view position: free
Round race format: in groups - pitlane start - sorted overall - Practice level

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Event skill rating per member

The skill rating score shows how your average lap time compares with the overal best average lap time and is calculated after first (qualifying) round. Your skill level for this event car class is based on your last 5 skill rating scores.

Pos.Member ClassTries*LapsTimeAvg. lap timerating score
1Rumsey RUS  Pro  1 (1)  17  05:07.835  00:18.10710.0   more..
2Philip RDE  Pro  1 (1)  17  05:12.374  00:18.3749.86   more..
3Christophe EFR  Pro  4 (2)  17  05:15.794  00:18.5769.75   more..
4Brad TUS  Pro  1 (1)  17  05:17.234  00:18.6609.70   more..
5Nutty FGB  Sport  9 (5)  16  05:03.426  00:18.9649.55   more..
6George K.AM  Sport  4 (3)  16  05:03.997  00:18.9999.53   more..
7Vitezslav XCZ  Pro  3 (2)  16  05:04.706  00:19.0449.51   more..
8Jimm KorinisGR  Sport  6 (4)  16  05:05.800  00:19.1129.47   more..
9Sébastien FFR  Club  2 (1)  16  05:05.872  00:19.1179.47   more..
10Dana T.US  Sport  1 (1)  16  05:08.572  00:19.2859.39   more..
11Joao P.BR  Sport  5 (5)  16  05:09.934  00:19.3709.35   more..
12Iñaki SES  Pro  5 (2)  16  05:12.831  00:19.5519.26   more..
13Gary S.US  Pro  1 (1)  16  05:13.157  00:19.5729.25   more..
14Chrystel DFR  Pro  1 (1)  16  05:17.897  00:19.8689.11   more..
15Ryler R.CA  Sport  5 (2)  15  05:00.751  00:20.0509.03   more..
16Tito R.ES  Sport  5 (2)  15  05:02.340  00:20.1568.98   more..
17Sergio J.ES  Club  25 (24)  15  05:05.072  00:20.3388.90   more..
18Hiroyuki S.JP  Sport  4 (4)  15  05:07.917  00:20.5278.82   more..
19Dillan E.US  Club  9 (9)  15  05:12.885  00:20.8598.68   more..
20Breton T.FR  Club  5 (3)  15  05:14.345  00:20.9568.64   more..
21Sylvain LCA  Sport  1 (1)  15  05:15.923  00:21.0618.60   more..
22Robbie LUS  Club  1 (1)  15  05:21.025  00:21.4018.46   more..
23Joel Lopez ReyesDO  Club  4 (4)  14  05:07.166  00:21.9408.25   more..
24Alfredo E colonPR  Sport  1 (1)  13  05:12.572  00:24.0447.53   more..
25Darren H.AU  Club  2 (1)  12  05:14.846  00:26.2376.90   more..
26Aleksey S.RU  Club  1 (1)  11  05:15.131  00:28.6486.32   more..
27Kyle LUS  Club  1 (1)  11  05:33.965  00:30.3605.96   more..
28Sun Y.CN  Club  1 (1)  10  05:12.754  00:31.2755.79   more..
29Nicholas D.US  Club  1 (1)  10  05:13.388  00:31.3385.78   more..

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