Club event details

BUGGY - Silver Dollar status: FINISHED

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Race:from 01.07.2017 [00:00] to 31.08.2017 [22:00]
Class:1:8 Nitro buggy Spec
Track:Silver Dollar 1 AMain
Direction:  Official O
Club:CarsRC Racing Club

Timetable (click on round name to show round results)


Dates: from 01.07.2017 [00:00] to 31.08.2017 [22:00]
Duration: race: 5min, warm up: 1min
Race options: particip.: 999, tries: 100, direction: official, view position: free
Round race format: in groups - grid start - sorted by group - Club level

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Round #1 results - NEW ROUND NAMEShow final event results

(Use the checkboxes to select 2 or 3 results to compare lap times!)
Showing results grouped in Heats. Click here to show overall results (unofficial)
Pos.Member ClassLapsTimeDifference
A Main   lap chart...
1 1Andreas H.DESport905:08.483-
2 2Eben CZAClub905:14.012+5.529s >
3 3Alex DeperschmidtDESport905:14.023+5.540s >
4 4Fabio SAUPro905:17.723+9.240s >
5 5Matthias SteiningerATPro905:18.820+10.337s >
6 6Valeriy KRUPro905:19.298+10.815s >
7 7Dave MAUPro905:21.328+12.845s >
8 8David DUSPro905:24.808+16.325s >
9 9Esa L.FIPro905:29.597+21.114s >
10 10David BGBPro905:30.065+21.582s >
B Main   lap chart...
1 11Markus K.DESport905:31.655-
2 12Pablo IESClub905:31.940+0.285s >
3 13Wonhyeung KKRPro905:32.091+0.436s >
4 14Jesse WUSPro905:32.163+0.508s >
5 15Madyoyo M.AUSport905:32.712+1.057s >
6 16Dan H.USSport905:33.143+1.488s >
7 17isla pJPClub905:34.654+2.999s >
8 18Steve BUSSport805:01.758+1 laps >
9 19Nicolas N.FRSport805:05.540+1 laps >
10 20Chris A.AUSport805:05.677+1 laps >
C Main   lap chart...
1 21Masato KJPSport805:07.040-
2 22Nuno CPTPro805:08.678+1.638s >
3 23Tim SUSClub805:12.062+5.022s >
4 24Yuriy TantsuraUASport805:13.874+6.834s >
5 25Dennis J.USSport805:20.945+13.905s >
6 26PHILLIP HUSClub805:22.320+15.280s >
7 27Robin G.ATClub805:23.740+16.700s >
8 28Peter E.CASport805:24.397+17.357s >
9 29Rizki A.IDPro805:40.911+33.871s >
10 30Tom KATClub705:02.663+1 laps >
D Main   lap chart...
1 31Luis Henrique P.BRClub705:05.286-
2 32michael ZappaGBClub705:13.729+8.443s >
3 33Lance GUSSport705:20.334+15.048s >
4 34VIKTOR SRUSport705:34.977+29.691s >
5 35Mike M.USClub605:12.512+1 laps >
6 36Michael GIEClub505:23.697+2 laps >
7 37M S.USClub305:14.792+4 laps >
8  38Dorian MFRSport-DNF-
9  39Alain CFRClub-DNF-
10  40Graham G.GBClub-DNF-
E Main   lap chart...
1  41Kevin GrodzinskiUSClub-DNF-
(Use the checkboxes to select 2 or 3 results to compare lap times!)

Member's event round runs

Click on member name to show his race runs...

Did you know that...

- you can click on event round name in Timetable to see the results for a particular round

- results with grayed background will NOT advance to next round, results with green background qualify directly to final (bump-up mode only)

- when showing round results you can see position from previous round (if available) and actual overall position

- rounds with 'A-B-C' format are grouped in Heats or Mains, and time/laps difference is made to best result in that group

- you can use checkboxes to select 2 or 3 results to compare lap times

- 'n/a' is shortcut for 'not available'

- 'DNF' means 'did not finish' (aborted race before end)
- 'DNS' means 'did not started' (although qualified, not started any race in actual/last round)
- 'DNQ' means 'did not qualified' (to actual/last round)

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