Club event details


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Race:from 17.11.2017 [18:30] to 31.12.2017 [22:00]
Class:1:10 Short Course 4WD 13.5T
Direction:  Official O
Club:CarsRC Racing Club

Timetable (click on round name to show round results)


Dates: from 17.11.2017 [18:30] to 31.12.2017 [22:00]
Duration: race: 6min, warm up: 1min
Race options: particip.: 999, tries: 100, direction: official, view position: free
Round race format: in groups - pitlane start - sorted overall - Club level

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Final results

(Use the checkboxes to select 2 or 3 results to compare lap times!)
Showing results grouped in Heats. Click here to show projected position in next round
Pos.Member ClassLapsTimeDifference
Heat 1   lap chart...
1Corentin AFRPro906:32.923-
2Erwan PFRPro906:34.788+1.865s >
3Thomas PDESport906:38.348+5.425s >
4Andrea GITPro906:39.603+6.680s >
5Mujib RahmanIDPro906:42.588+9.665s >
6Carson YHKPro906:44.251+11.328s >
7Valeriy KRUPro906:48.646+15.723s >
8Robert SorjonenCAPro806:00.783+1 laps >
9Danny KNOSport806:02.612+1 laps >
10Mario GESPro806:03.343+1 laps >
Heat 2   lap chart...
11William A.USPro806:03.443-
12Greg B.AUSport806:06.271+2.828s >
13Luis FESSport806:07.203+3.760s >
14Matthias SteiningerATPro806:09.420+5.977s >
15Johan MFRPro806:10.072+6.629s >
16Antoine RFRPro806:14.414+10.971s >
17Pedro Jose LESPro806:18.503+15.060s >
18Steve BUSSport806:18.685+15.242s >
19VIKTOR SRUSport806:23.757+20.314s >
20Bryan TUSPro806:24.823+21.380s >
Heat 3   lap chart...
21Lello CITSport806:25.872-
22Sven R.DEPro806:25.972+0.100s >
23Adrien TFRSport806:26.946+1.074s >
24Andrey T.RUSport806:28.403+2.531s >
25Billy YHKPro806:30.212+4.340s >
26Nicolas N.FRPro806:34.017+8.145s >
27Eduardo MESClub806:34.366+8.494s >
28David C.ESSport806:35.934+10.062s >
29Geoff KUSPro806:40.877+15.005s >
30Didi MDESport806:43.034+17.162s >
Heat 4   lap chart...
31Dorian MFRSport806:48.469-
32Tommi VacklinFIPro806:48.506+0.037s >
33Tim SUSSport706:00.283+1 laps >
34Patrick AFRPro706:05.338+1 laps >
35Jeremy B.USSport706:07.323+1 laps >
36Karl heinz J.DESport706:07.340+1 laps >
37Norman RDESport706:09.446+1 laps >
38Andreas RDESport706:10.766+1 laps >
39michael ZappaGBClub706:11.594+1 laps >
40PHILLIP HUSSport706:18.385+1 laps >
Heat 5   lap chart...
41Frank H.DESport706:19.963-
42Chrystel DFRSport706:22.168+2.205s >
43Jose Manuel TESClub706:31.374+11.411s >
44Paul EGBClub706:32.934+12.971s >
45Youngmin JKRSport706:37.157+17.194s >
46Bruno FFRClub706:41.720+21.757s >
47Tom RFIClub706:48.506+28.543s >
48Reggie R.USClub706:51.040+31.077s >
49Mara G.ESClub706:56.691+36.728s >
50Peter E.CAClub706:57.926+37.963s >
Heat 6   lap chart...
51Mike M.USClub606:27.817-
(Use the checkboxes to select 2 or 3 results to compare lap times!)

Member's event round runs

Click on member name to show his race runs...

Did you know that...

- you can click on event round name in Timetable to see the results for a particular round

- results with grayed background will NOT advance to next round, results with green background qualify directly to final (bump-up mode only)

- when showing round results you can see position from previous round (if available) and actual overall position

- rounds with 'A-B-C' format are grouped in Heats or Mains, and time/laps difference is made to best result in that group

- you can use checkboxes to select 2 or 3 results to compare lap times

- 'n/a' is shortcut for 'not available'

- 'DNF' means 'did not finish' (aborted race before end)
- 'DNS' means 'did not started' (although qualified, not started any race in actual/last round)
- 'DNQ' means 'did not qualified' (to actual/last round)

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