Player profile - Nicolas E.

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Profile views:
Name: Nicolas E.
Age: (restricted)
Country: Belgium BE
Home town: (restricted)
RC Clubs: BRTC
VRC Clubs: CarsRC Racing Club, RUSTI DESIGN, Belgian SCT Cup, Pro-Buggy-Experience, oOplers, VRC PRO CLUB FRANCE, VRCDRIVERS.COM, BRTC Buggy Racing Team club
Favorite brands: TLR
Favorite VRC tracks: Rhein-Main, MHS Raceway 1, VRC Carpet 2
Introduction: user didn't specify it yet :(
Best skill rating: 1:10 Short Course 4WD 13.5T   rating: 9.34 (Pro)
Show all classes  
Social status: Level3



tutorial unlocked 8 of 8 100% 8 of 8 unlocked, earned 8 points
multiplayer unlocked 7 of 9 77% 7 of 9 unlocked, earned 30 points
ownership unlocked 2 of 2 100% 2 of 2 unlocked, earned 210 points
basic racing unlocked 11 of 13 84% 11 of 13 unlocked, earned 405 points
advanced racing unlocked 19 of 22 86% 19 of 22 unlocked, earned 3562 points
basic community unlocked 9 of 10 90% 9 of 10 unlocked, earned 64 points
advanced community unlocked 6 of 14 42% 6 of 14 unlocked, earned 26 points
62 16
Unlocked Remaining
Total Points

Latest unlocked achievements

5 successful invitations
manage 5 successful friendship invitations (means 5 members with full subscriptions have used my email address as referral during their registration)
Unlock date: 29.03.2020
basic community: + 50
Earned points: 50
total of 1000 in-views (profile, videos, photos, posts)
Unlock date: 08.04.2019
advanced community: + 5
Earned points: 5
5000km competition experience
drive at least 5000 km total in events (club or official) or time trial
Unlock date: 12.03.2014
basic racing: + 30
Earned points: 30
Professional car owner
buy a branded chassis (per car class)
Unlock date: 26.02.2014
ownership: + 5
Last achieved: 29.03.2020 with 1:10 Electric on-road 17.5T Club class show all (28)
Earned points: 140
good size club
50 members (upon ownership transfer, both members will have achieved this)
Unlock date: 18.12.2013
advanced community: + 4
Earned points: 4
5000km driving experience
drive at least 5000 km in total
Unlock date: 18.11.2013
basic racing: + 20
Earned points: 20
50 multiplayer wins
win 50 mp sessions (minimum 3 racers)
Unlock date: 28.06.2013
multiplayer: + 10
Earned points: 10
2500km competition experience
drive at least 2500 km total in events (club or official) or time trial
Unlock date: 27.05.2013
basic racing: + 15
Earned points: 15
Week record
achieve the best week record (minimum 20 available time trials) (per track, per car class)
Unlock date: 27.05.2013
advanced racing: + 12
Last achieved: 20.03.2016 with 1:10 Short Course 4WD 13.5T class on Outback track show all (3)
Earned points: 36
Month record
achieve the best month record (minimum 20 available time trials) (per track, per car class)
Unlock date: 27.05.2013
advanced racing: + 25
Last achieved: 20.03.2016 with 1:10 Short Course 4WD 13.5T class on Outback track show all (3)
Earned points: 75

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