Ryan L
Posted by: Wn kyu Park (KR) on 30.12.2013 17:41:25 (UTC)
Hey! i love~ Alpha Ryan Lutz Engine!
only engine hhhhhhh
So glad to hear it! Enjoy!!
Wn kyu P.
Hey! i love~ Alpha Ryan Lutz Engine!
only engine hhhhhhh
Virgile P.
salut tu nous donner ton setup tt 1/8
Eben C
Thanks Ryan. I appreciate the kind words. Well done with the Worlds this year btw...I have all the videos, the A-mains was busy!
Bill N
We were rooting for ya at the Worlds. We were really bummed about your luck during the Finals. Otherwise an amazing performance Ryan! Congrats on making the World Finals!
John B.
Really enjoy your race reports. Keep up the great work!
Ryan L
Posted by: Roy Grubb (US) on 9.7.2012 20:40:51 (UTC)
Hey Ryan, big fans of yours here in Arkansas! We will all be racing with you again at Southern Nationals if you make it. Hope to race with you on VRC some as well.
Hello Roy,
Thanks for the message! Will for sure see you at Southern Nats! Look forward to racing with you guys. I'm not on VRC much, i'm not really very good at it and my eyes can't focus on the computer screen very well but it's fun when I can't be outside racing.
Take care and enjoy!
Roy G
Hey Ryan, big fans of yours here in Arkansas! We will all be racing with you again at Southern Nationals if you make it. Hope to race with you on VRC some as well.
Ryan L
Posted by: Brian Townsend (CA) on 12.1.2012 17:35:02 (UTC)
Hey Ryan! Welcome to VRC Pro, and congrats on a great offroad season last year!
Hello Brian! Thanks, trying to get acclimated to all that's going on here. Figure this is good practice for me to help me smooth out my finger!
Look forward to racing with you! Take care.
Brian T.
Hey Ryan! Welcome to VRC Pro, and congrats on a great offroad season last year!