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Error messages
(1026) Client Cookies Setting Problem
(1408) Can't connect to Session Master
(1500) Can't connect to service, check your internet connection.
(1205) Invalid parameter value!
(205) Game version invalid...
(1323) User data storing format changed meanwhile
(1322) Track loading process failed
(207) Physics version invalid...
(1319) Car loading failed
(1303) Error occured during switching users
(1002) Operation timeout
(1200) There was a problem during loading component...
(1804) For traveling to selected track you have to..
(1410) Password for protected multiplayer session missing
(1103) Physics Pause Unexpected
(1411) Password for protected multiplayer session is wrong
(1409) Another Connect operation still in progress
(1004) Failure in sound engine
(1304) Can't initialize race.
(1402) Can't connect to the Lobby Server
(1429) Can't start race
(1327) Maximum login count reached.
(1415) Can't register your car in multiplayer session
(1225) There was a critical error in loading component
(1413) Can't connect to multiplayer session
(5003) Your video card is out of memory
(1418) You are missing some components
(1412) Can't connect to multiplayer session
(1024) Not enough physical memory
(1419) You have been kicked by session master
(1508) Can't get events
(1417) Your car configuration is not compatible...
(1223) Missing component type for building car
(1404) Can't register user
(1704) Track can not be loaded
(1025) Your computer local time is invalid
(1102) Physics pause expected
(1510) Unable to contact purchasing service
(1504) Invalid File Handle
(1301) Missing or invalid user data
(1326) This user is already connected
(1701) Track texture data source invalid
(1424) Unable to initialize multiplayer session
(1703) Invalid data for current operation
(1328) Login or password invalid
(1406) Can't sent Game registration packet
(1315) Please enter both login and password
(104) Component not purchased by actual member
(302) Particular round is already not running
(1420) Communication failure
(1006) Invalid file
(1318) Accessories loading failed
(1513) You are currently offline...
(1021) Your game subscription has expired
Account and profile
I didn't receive my activation code, what should I do?
My account has expired, what should I do?
How do I upgrade from trial to full member?
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Installation, configuration, start up and updates
I am experiencing too much lag while racing VRC Pro, that does not feel good. It does not feel like driving my real car. The car does not respond
What are the minimal and recommended system requirements
Can I use VRC Pro Team Speak?
I can't start the game, what should I do?
Racing and competition
Racing vs A.I.
How can I earn vEuros?
Controllers and adaptors
VRC-3NT USB adaptor instructions
VRC-3 USB adaptor instructions
Why does my steering feel strange?
Can I use my Xbox 360 gamepad for VRC Pro?
Can I use my PS3 gamepad for VRC Pro?
Why can't I go full throttle?
How do I calibrate my controller?
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VRC Pro installation guide
VRC World Website User Manual
VRC Pro User Manual
VRC-3NT USB adaptor instructions
VRC-3 USB adaptor instructions
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